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#1663: Exploring the Apple Vision Pro, 12 more OS features coming in 2023, new Apple service features, Apollo shuts down

After last week’s WWDC coverage of new Macs and compelling features in the next versions of Apple’s operating systems, TidBITS publisher Adam Engst goes deep on Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset. He describes what it is, what you can do with it, and for whom it’s best suited before exploring deeper social and societal issues and sharing first-hand impressions from those who received in-person demos. Julio Ojeda-Zapata then chimes in with a dozen of his favorite Apple operating system features coming later this year. We cap off the issue with a quick look at new features slated for Apple services and the sad tale of the Apollo client for Reddit. Notable Mac app releases this week include Zoom 5.14.10 and Mactracker 7.12.4.

Adam Engst 68 comments

Apple Vision Pro Evokes Deep Ambivalence

During the WWDC keynote, Apple unveiled the Vision Pro, its long-rumored mixed-reality headset. Adam Engst looks at what it is, what it’s good for, and who will want to use it. He also ponders some of the implications should it become popular.
