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#1713: Apple Intelligence security and privacy, Slack for iPhone posting problem, In Your Face persistent notifications, Apple longevity white paper

Curious about the security, privacy, and safety issues surrounding Apple Intelligence? TidBITS security editor and cloud computing expert Rich Mogull explains how Apple Intelligence achieves industry-leading security, privacy, and safety for AI. Adam Engst looks at In Your Face, a Mac app that provides event and task notifications you can’t ignore. He also shares the solution to a problem that prevents Slack users from posting from the iPhone version. Finally, we link to Apple’s latest white paper, which provides an illuminating look at how the company thinks about device longevity. Notable Mac app releases this week include Fantastical 3.8.19 and Cardhop 2.2.18, Final Cut Pro 10.8, Compressor 4.8, and Motion 5.8, Lightroom Classic 13.4, OmniFocus 4.3.1, and Quicken 7.8.


Lightroom Classic 13.4 Agen Schmitz No comments

Lightroom Classic 13.4

Updates support for new cameras and lenses, including the front and back cameras of the recently released iPad Air and iPad Pro. ($9.99/$19.99/$59.99 monthly Creative Cloud subscription, free update, macOS

Quicken 7.8 Agen Schmitz No comments

Quicken 7.8

Adds a Watchlist feature that allows monitoring of specific securities for potential trading or investing opportunities. ($59.88/$83.88/$119.88 annual subscription, free update, 3.2 MB, macOS 11+)