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Series: April Fools

Adam Engst No comments

iPhone Goes International with Iridium

3G cellular technology has been widely expected for the next iPhone revision, but that's not all. Sources indicate that Apple will buy Iridium Satellite and incorporate the satellite phone technology into the iPhone, making it work anywhere on the planet.

Rich Mogull No comments

Mac Users Affected by New Virus

A new virus has struck, specifically affecting Mac users. Researchers suspect the cause may be retaliation brought on by the general smugness Mac users exhibit when confronted with viral threats.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

U.S. Federal Court Declares Email Bankruptcy Illegal

Overwhelmed by email? Considering just deleting all those unread messages in your inbox? Not so fast - doing so may put you in a legally precarious situation.

Matt Neuburg No comments

TidBITS Introduces New Subscription Mode

TidBITS extends a wrinkled, trembling hand to today's youth by creating a new subscription mode that is sure to appeal to those with short attention spans.

TidBITS Staff No comments

Take Control News: New Title Suggestions

Read on for a look at some suggestions for future Take Control titles. Finding authors to write some of these may be tricky, but we'll do our best.

Jeff Carlson No comments

FrownOnMyMac Fills New Mac Niches

The co-founder of SmileOnMyMac has left the company and started his own firm, immediately offering a trio of applications with features guaranteed not to be found anywhere else.

Rich Mogull No comments

Apple Launches SecurityCare

Apple aims to eliminate security concerns for worried Mac users with a new, premier offering.

Adam Engst No comments

iPhoto’s Faces and Places Designed to Track Terrorists?

A startling discovery buried within iPhoto's code raises alarming questions regarding possible government interference with Apple's privacy policy and practices.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Invisibility App for iPhone Helps You Avoid Undesirables

No, the recently released Invisibility app doesn't make you invisible. Rather, it helps you slip away from people you want to avoid by using publicly broadcast identifiers and traces from online sources to warn you of their presence. It's the start of asocial networking.

Adam Engst No comments

Epson’s “Green” Printer Debuts for Earth Day

Tired of buying ever more consumables - ink, toner, and paper - for your printers? Epson has a new printer that reduces its environmental footprint by "consuming" and "regurgitating" its own printouts.

Glenn Fleishman No comments

Wi-Fi 802.11b Standard Expires

The original flavor of Wi-Fi, 802.11b, expired at the end of March 31st, 2009. It's time to upgrade.

Doug McLean No comments

Underperforming Apps to be Purged From App Store

In an attempt to improve the efficiency and overall health of the App Store, Apple has announced it will be purging apps that are failing to prove their worth.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Space Meeting between Steve Jobs and Charles Simonyi?

Alarming reports of two computer industry heads partaking in recent space expeditions have set the tech industry ablaze with speculations.

Matt Neuburg No comments

Apple Releases General Support Update 2009-001

Apple has released the first general Mac OS X update of 2009, with regrettably terse release notes.

Adam Engst No comments

OmniWeb 5.9.2 Adds Gopher Support

OmniWeb may be free, but The Omni Group hasn't ceased development, releasing an update that adds support for the Gopher protocol.