Bring new features and enhancements to the two personal information management apps. ($49.99 new for each, free update, 22.7/12.9 MB)
Brings enhancements, bug fixes, and stability improvements to the two personal information management apps. ($49.99 new for each, free update, 27.7/12.9 MB)
Adds support for Reminders and Voice Control in macOS 10.15 Catalina. ($49.99 new, free update, 16.2 MB)
Adds an option to snooze 12 hours when clicking and holding on the Snooze button in a notification. ($49.99 new, free update, 16.2 MB)
Maintenance update for the calendar app now sorts event alerts by when they will appear. ($49.99 new, free update, 16.2 MB)
Adds support for accounts, plus sending and receiving new time proposals on Exchange, iCloud, Google, and other CalDAV accounts. ($49.99 new, free update, 16.2 MB)
Fixes a bug that prevented some users from adding Google accounts. ($49.99 new, free update, 15.5 MB)
Adds notifications when an invitee responds to an invitation on Exchange. ($49.99 new, free update, 15.3 MB)