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#1575: More CSAM Detection details emerge, many-stop route planning with MapQuest, Speedify VPN, macOS 11.5.2

The controversy surrounding Apple’s announcement that iOS 15 would detect child sexual abuse material being uploaded to iCloud Photos continues. Last week, Apple posted yet another explanatory document and sent software chief Craig Federighi to explain in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Adam Engst dives into the details. Ever needed to solve the traveling salesperson problem in the real world? Adam did, and he shares his MapQuest-driven solution. If you’re struggling with slow or unreliable Internet access, we have a look at Speedify, a VPN that bonds multiple connections to improve performance and reliability. Finally, Apple released macOS 11.5.2 with no details at all about what changed. Should you update? We don’t know! Notable Mac app releases this week include 1Password 7.8.7, Firefox 91, and Timing 2021.5.1.


Firefox 91 Agen Schmitz 22 comments

Firefox 91

Enhances cookie clearing logic to prevent hidden data leaks and make it easier to see which websites are storing local information. (Free, 127 MB, macOS 10.12+)