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#1651: Dealing with leading zeroes in spreadsheet data, removing ad tracking from ckbk

After having a holiday card returned as undeliverable due to an inadvertently truncated ZIP code, Adam Engst investigates the knotty problem of how spreadsheets handle data with leading zeroes. He also shares the story of how a conversation with a TidBITS-reading developer led to the company removing ad tracking from its iOS app. Notable Mac app releases this week include Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.5, Cardhop 2.2.6, Agenda 17, Camo Studio 2.0.1, Tinderbox 9.5.2, and Lunar 6.0.

Adam Engst 5 comments

Helping ckbk Remove Ad Tracking

It pays to speak up. After being introduced to the ckbk cookbook service, Adam Engst expressed his disappointment in the app asking to track and was rewarded a few weeks later with an update that resolved the issue.

Adam Engst 36 comments

Dealing with Leading Zeroes in Spreadsheet Data

After receiving an “undeliverable” holiday card back, Adam and Tonya Engst discovered that their approach to extracting data from Contacts to print labels inadvertently deleted leading zeroes in ZIP codes. Can they ever send snail mail to New England? Here’s what happened—and how to avoid similar errors.


Agenda 17 Agen Schmitz 2 comments

Agenda 17

Brings multi-window capabilities to the date-focused note-taking app plus a new purchasing model. (Free with a $34.99 Premium subscription or $119.99 one-time Premium purchase, free update for subscribers, 71.7 MB, macOS 10.14+)

Cardhop 2.2.6 Agen Schmitz No comments

Cardhop 2.2.6

Updates the contact management app with a handful of improvements and bug fixes. ($56.99 annual subscription, free update, 31.4 MB, macOS 11+)

Camo Studio 2.0.1 Agen Schmitz No comments

Camo Studio 2.0.1

Major upgrade for the virtual-camera system that now supports any webcam, connected pro camera, Continuity Camera device, and more. ($39.99 annual subscription, free update, 42.1 MB, macOS 10.13+)