One year to the day after Adam Engst called out Netflix’s obnoxious auto-play preview videos, the company added an option to turn them off. Celebrate with Adam as he shows you where to flip the switch and how to ensure it takes effect. Josh Centers reviews the handy One Switch utility, which gathers numerous macOS settings in one menu bar item. Finally, Jeff Porten is back from CES by way of Italy, with reports of dystopian security drones, AirPods competitors, ultra-wide monitors, and much more. Notable Mac app releases this week include BusyCal 3.8.3 and BusyContacts 1.4.4, EagleFiler 1.8.12, Carbon Copy Cloner 5.1.15, 1Password 7.4.2, and SoundSource 4.2.1.
Will wonders never cease! Netflix actually listened to feedback from its customers about how much they hated auto-play previews and—a full year later—introduced an option to disable them. Hallelujah!
Would you like it if you could have toggles for Dark Mode, Do Not Disturb, Night Shift, screen lock, and more, all accessed from a single menu bar icon? Josh Centers recently discovered that the One Switch utility can do all that and more.
Pursuing a “better late than never” strategy, Jeff Porten catches up on interesting products he saw at CES 2020, including assistive earbuds, an external monitor for your iPhone, and flying robots that promise to stop the bad guys.
Bring new features and enhancements to the two personal information management apps. ($49.99 new for each, free update, 22.7/12.9 MB)
Brings improvements and bug fixes to the document organization and archiving app. ($40 new, free update, 25.8 MB)
Makes some tweaks to the app's HFS+ to APFS conversion and adds a timeout mechanism to volume unmount requests. ($39.99 new, free update, 16 MB)
Adds support for Microsoft's Edge Web browser and Fantastical. ($64.99 new, free update, 50.8 MB)
Maintenance release tidies up a few bugs affecting the menu bar and Bluetooth usage. ($29 new, free update, 13.9 MB)