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#1583: Ten years without Steve Jobs, iOS 15.0.2, Exif and Visual Lookup in Photos, iPadOS 15 multitasking, easier 2FA codes

Last week marked the tenth anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs, which Apple commemorated with a touching tribute video. The company also released iOS 15.0.2, iPadOS 15.0.2, and watchOS 8.0.1 to fix a few bugs and a security vulnerability that’s being exploited in the wild. Don’t get the impression that iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 are problematic—we’re enjoying them thoroughly, and we cover more new features in this issue. Josh Centers explains how to find Exif data in the Photos app and use Visual Lookup to identify plants, pets, books, art, and landmarks. iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and Safari 15 integrate two-factor authentication codes in the new built-in password manager, and Glenn Fleishman tells you how to use it to improve your online security. And Adam Engst delves into iPadOS 15’s new multitasking features, which Apple finally made discoverable for regular users. Notable Mac app releases this week include 1Password 7.8.8, Mimestream 0.29.2, and DEVONthink 3.8.

Adam Engst 41 comments

iPadOS 15 Finally Makes Multitasking Discoverable

Multitasking on the iPad has been a mess for years, thanks to relying on obscure gestures. With iPadOS 15, Apple has added a new Multitasking menu that provides a visible interface along with a new center window option, a shelf for open windows, and a radically enhanced App Switcher.


1Password 7.8.8 Agen Schmitz 1 comment

1Password 7.8.8

Brings support for adding file attachments to all item types in accounts. ($35.88 annual subscription, free update, 78.4 MB, macOS 10.13+)

DEVONthink 3.8 Agen Schmitz No comments

DEVONthink 3.8

Notable update with a hefty number of additions and improvements to the document and information manager. ($99 new, free update, 135 MB, macOS 10.11.5+)