#1623: How to turn off YouTube’s PiP, use AirPlay to Mac, and securely erase Mac drives
We’re in the quiet weeks before Apple releases new devices and operating systems, so we have a “How To” issue for you this week, with three practical articles. Josh Centers leads off with a quick explanation of how to turn off the new Picture-in-Picture feature of the YouTube app for iOS and iPadOS. Then he turns his attention to one of the features highlighted in last week’s survey: AirPlay to Mac, which lets you send audio or video from an Apple device to your Mac’s speakers or screen. Finally, Adam Engst examines all the ways you can securely erase a Mac’s SSD or hard drive to ensure that no one can access sensitive data on devices you’re passing on. Notable Mac app releases this week include Bookends 14.1.1 and Parallels Desktop 18.