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Tag: privacy

Josh Centers 3 comments

Jamf’s Quick Guide to Which iOS Permissions Apps Really Need

Many iOS apps ask your permission to access things like the camera and microphone. But which of those permissions do they really need?

Adam Engst 74 comments

New CSAM Detection Details Emerge Following Craig Federighi Interview

In an interview with Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal, Apple software chief Craig Federighi said the company would be applying “multiple levels of auditability” to its controversial child sexual abuse material (CSAM) detection system. What are they? Another new Apple document explains.

Glenn Fleishman Rich Mogull 114 comments

FAQ about Apple’s Expanded Protections for Children

Apple is piercing the privacy veil on our devices to protect children. The company claims its efforts won’t open up a Pandora’s Box in the interests of averting sexual exploitation of children or recognition of sexual material handled by children under 18 when a parent wants oversight. But it’s a big change from its previous absolutist stance in favor of user privacy.

Glenn Fleishman 18 comments

Apple Extends Privacy Protections to Traffic Leaving Its Walled Garden

New services and features in operating systems coming later this year will improve security and privacy for everyone using Apple products, even outside the Apple walled-garden ecosystem. iCloud+ even adds anonymized browsing.

Adam Engst No comments

TikTok Amends Privacy Policy to Allow Collection of Biometric Identifiers and Information

It should come as no surprise that TikTok collects a vast amount of data from its users. Now the company is being more upfront about some of that biometric data. Transparent, but creepy.

Josh Centers 2 comments

Craig Federighi Discusses Apple’s New Privacy Features

Craig Federighi gave an interview to Fast Company to discuss Apple’s new privacy features and offer his opinions on the privacy landscape.

Josh Centers 18 comments

Amazon Devices Will Soon Share (Some) of Your Home Bandwidth

Amazon will soon turn on Amazon Sidewalk, which will enable many Amazon devices to share your bandwidth with other Internet of Things devices. Here’s how to turn it off if you want to opt-out.

Josh Centers 33 comments

How to Keep Facebook from Snooping on Your Photos’ Locations

Though Apple’s App Tracking Transparency has thwarted some of Facebook’s tracking efforts, the social media company can (and will, of course) still extract personal information through photos you upload. Here’s how to prevent such antisocial behavior.

Julio Ojeda-Zapata 26 comments

Apple’s AirTag Promises to Help You Find Your Keys

Apple’s long-rumored AirTag has finally arrived to help Apple users find their car keys via the familiar Find My app. You can track down one of the little metal discs in your couch via Bluetooth and Ultra Wideband. Elsewhere in the world, you can find an AirTag using Apple’s vast Find My network, which leverages nearly a billion in-use Apple devices to relay a tag’s location across town or the globe.

Josh Centers 6 comments

The Unforgettable Wedding (That Never Happened)

Lauren Goode canceled her wedding in 2019 but is still being reminded of it by online algorithms. This seemingly modern-day problem was somewhat foreseeable, but it’s also not entirely new.

Josh Centers 2 comments

Over 500 Million Facebook Accounts Compromised

A 2019 data breach exposed the personal information of 533 million Facebook users. Here are a couple of tools you can use to see if you’ve been compromised.

Josh Centers No comments

Apple Publishes Collection of Privacy Labels for Its Apps

Apple has mandated App Store privacy labels for all apps, but the company is going a step further with its own apps by publishing the complete collection of those labels on the Web to make them easy to scan.

Josh Centers 14 comments

How to Stop T-Mobile from Selling Your Web Browsing Data

T-Mobile will start selling your usage data to advertisers next month unless you opt out now.

Josh Centers 6 comments

Brave to Launch Its Own Search Engine

Web browser maker Brave Software has acquired the open-source search engine Tailcat and will soon be spinning it off as a new privacy-focused search engine.

Josh Centers 2 comments

Apple’s Data Privacy Day Touts Privacy Efforts

Apple has dedicated a day to celebrate some of its new privacy features. Meanwhile, Facebook is planning to sue over them.