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#1640: Notable OS updates, iOS/iPadOS 15.7.2 security fix, Contacts phone number quirk, email from Ukraine, TidBITS Talk emoji responses, holiday hiatus

The holidays are upon us, and we’re taking a two-week break from email issues—see you next on 9 January 2023! This week’s big news is Apple’s release of iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2, macOS 13.1 Ventura, watchOS 9.2, tvOS 16.2, and HomePod Software 16.2. We look at the changes both large (the Freeform digital whiteboarding app, Stage Manager on external displays for M1 iPads, Race Routes in watchOS) and small (more Lock Screen settings and widgets, the restoration of Network Locations, important security fixes). Simultaneously, Apple released iOS/iPadOS 15.7.2 and Safari 16.2 to address one of those security vulnerabilities that’s being actively exploited in the wild. Along with a few LittleBITS for email from a friend of TidBITS in Ukraine and an explanation of emoji responses in TidBITS Talk, we also delve into a curious problem when copying and pasting phone numbers from Contacts. Notable Mac app releases this week include Safari 16.2, macOS Monterey 12.6.2 and Big Sur 11.7.2, BBEdit 14.6.2, TextExpander 7.4, Cardhop 2.2.3, Art Text 4.2, TripMode 3.2, Ulysses 29, and URL Manager Pro 6.1.

Adam Engst 4 comments

TidBITS 2022 Holiday Hiatus—See You in 2023!

In keeping with our tradition, we’re going to take a few weeks off to spend with family and friends over the holidays. You can expect the next email issue of TidBITS on 9 January 2023. Thanks for reading TidBITS, and we hope our articles enriched your year!


Ulysses 29 Agen Schmitz No comments

Ulysses 29

Introduces a new way to work on larger projects such as books, a thesis, or a blog. ($5.99/$49.99 monthly/yearly subscription, free update, 29.7 MB, macOS 11+)