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Category: Inside TidBITS

Adam Engst 13 comments

Melio Makes Payments for Small Businesses Easy

Faced with the desire to make it easier to pay TidBITS writers every month without a regular fee, Adam Engst discovers Melio, a payment service that offers ACH-based payments for free.

Adam Engst 17 comments

TidBITS Arrives on Mastodon, Continues (Reluctantly) on Twitter and Facebook

After Twitter put a  $42,000-per-month API fee for enterprises into effect, the WordPress Jetpack service dropped its Twitter connections, ending automatic posting of TidBITS articles on Twitter. Curious if he could sort out a free replacement, Adam Engst dug around and pieced one together. 

Adam Engst 36 comments

33 Years of TidBITS: Handcrafted Content from Humans

In honor of the 33rd anniversary of TidBITS, Adam Engst explains the last six months of changes, including the departure of managing editor Josh Centers and an increased focus on sharing solutions to personal tech problems.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Help Build a List of Apple-Related Conferences in 2023

Looking for an Apple-related conference to attend in 2023? Check out our community-driven conference list, and if you know of any that don’t currently appear, please submit them.

Adam Engst 4 comments

TidBITS 2022 Holiday Hiatus—See You in 2023!

In keeping with our tradition, we’re going to take a few weeks off to spend with family and friends over the holidays. You can expect the next email issue of TidBITS on 9 January 2023. Thanks for reading TidBITS, and we hope our articles enriched your year!

Adam Engst 39 comments

LittleBITS: Notes from Ukraine, TidBITS Talk Emoji Responses

This week’s edition of LittleBITS brings email from a friend of TidBITS in Ukraine, plus details about how you can now respond to TidBITS Talk posts with emoji, much like Apple’s Tapback feature in Messages. 

Adam Engst 20 comments

LittleBITS: Apple Pay Date Quirk, Apple Music Sing

We have two quick things to share that don’t warrant an article: an explanation of why Apple Pay-using TidBITS members may see incorrect credit card expiration dates and the news of Apple Music Sing, which fills Adam Engst with dread.

Adam Engst 3 comments

Help TidBITS Evolve in 2023 by Becoming a Member

It’s time for TidBITS to learn new tricks in the wake of managing editor Josh Centers leaving, while continuing to bring you the Apple advice and technical details you’ve come to rely on over the past 32 years. Will you help us start a fun new chapter in our long history?

Adam Engst No comments

No TidBITS Issue on 28 November 2022

We’re taking the next email issue of TidBITS off to celebrate Thanksgiving, although we’ll continue to publish articles on our website. You can look forward to the next email issue on 5 December 2022.

Josh Centers 43 comments

Josh Centers: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

After nine years, TidBITS Managing Editor Josh Centers is moving on. He reflects on what he’s done and where he’s going.

Adam Engst No comments

e3 Software Sponsoring TidBITS

Please welcome our latest long-term sponsor, e3 Software, makers of the powerful Mac-native email newsletter and marketing app Direct Mail. 

Adam Engst 5 comments

Audio Hacks from TidBITS Sponsor Rogue Amoeba

To take advantage of Rogue Amoeba’s return as a TidBITS sponsor, we’re sharing a few amusing use cases of Rogue Amoeba apps, ranging from hardware hacks and TV show cameos to marine research.

Adam Engst 30 comments

No, Citibank, TidBITS Does Not Sell Cryptocurrency

After discovering a bunch of failed TIdBITS membership renewals, Adam Engst spent the week working with Stripe support to figure out why Citibank was refusing to honor payments to TidBITS Publishing, claiming that they were for cryptocurrency.

Adam Engst 8 comments

LittleBITS: Website Changes for Speed and Security

We’ve been making some changes to the TidBITS website, and while you shouldn’t notice much difference, there are a few rough edges that you may hit while we’re finishing up.

Adam Engst 4 comments

No Email Issue on 30 May 2022 for Memorial Day

We’re taking a brief break from building an email issue of TidBITS next week in honor of the Memorial Day holiday in the United States, so look for the next issue in your mailbox on 6 June 2022.