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Category: Inside TidBITS

Adam Engst 1 comment

No TidBITS Issue on 27 November 2023

We’re taking the next email issue of TidBITS off to celebrate Thanksgiving, although we’ll continue to publish articles on our website. You can look forward to the next email issue on 4 December 2023.

Adam Engst 5 comments

LittleBITS: Email Delivery Problem and Blocking Spambot Accounts

We’ve been dealing with some server-side issues of late, and Adam Engst takes you behind the curtains to apologize for an email delivery failure and explain how we blocked an onslaught of spambot-created accounts.

Adam Engst 24 comments

Microsoft Word Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary

One of the longest-standing Mac apps is also one of the most popular to this day—Microsoft Word. It has been a fixture in the Mac world for 40 years now.

Adam Engst 9 comments

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Take Control Books

Time flies when you’re doing good work. After Joe Kissell took over Take Control Books from TidBITS Publishing in 2017, the ebook imprint has continued to thrive and is now marking its 20th anniversary with a free ebook, a big sale, and some thoughts about the impact it has on the Apple ecosystem.

Adam Engst 100 comments

Do You Use It? Finder Tags

This week's Do You Use It? poll asks how often you use Finder tags, which are marking their tenth year of being part of the Mac experience.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Do You Use It? Mac Web Browsers

This week's Do You Use It? poll asks which Web browsers you use on your Mac. Safari may be a given for many Mac users, but there are a plethora of alternatives.

Adam Engst No comments

No Email Issue on 4 September 2023 for Labor Day

We’re taking a brief break from building an email issue of TidBITS next week for a combination of family time and the Labor Day holiday in the United States, so look for the next issue in your mailbox on 11 September 2023, likely right before Apple's big iPhone announcement.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Do You Use It? iPhone Weather Apps

After last week’s Do You Use It? poll asked if you use Apple's Weather app on your iPhone, this follow-up poll asks which third-party apps you prefer. We’ll report on the results of both polls and more in a future article.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Do You Use It? Apple’s Weather on the iPhone

This week's Do You Use It? poll asks how you check the weather on your iPhone, and if it’s not using Apple's Weather app, which app you prefer.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Do You Use It? Proxy Icons

This week's Do You Use It? poll asks how often you use proxy icons? Not even sure what they are? We hope that once we report on the results, you'll become a convert.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Do You Use It? Spotlight on the Mac

This week's Do You Use It? poll asks if you use Spotlight on the Mac and—given the breadth of its capabilities—what you use it for.

Adam Engst 20 comments

Introducing “Do You Use It?” Polls

To get a sense of how heavily TidBITS readers use particular features in Apple’s operating systems, TidBITS is starting to host polls where you can vote, explain why you voted as you did, and see what others think.

Adam Engst 13 comments

Melio Makes Payments for Small Businesses Easy

Faced with the desire to make it easier to pay TidBITS writers every month without a regular fee, Adam Engst discovers Melio, a payment service that offers ACH-based payments for free.

Adam Engst 17 comments

TidBITS Arrives on Mastodon, Continues (Reluctantly) on Twitter and Facebook

After Twitter put a  $42,000-per-month API fee for enterprises into effect, the WordPress Jetpack service dropped its Twitter connections, ending automatic posting of TidBITS articles on Twitter. Curious if he could sort out a free replacement, Adam Engst dug around and pieced one together. 

Adam Engst 36 comments

33 Years of TidBITS: Handcrafted Content from Humans

In honor of the 33rd anniversary of TidBITS, Adam Engst explains the last six months of changes, including the departure of managing editor Josh Centers and an increased focus on sharing solutions to personal tech problems.