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#1461: Apple News+ analysis, Cardhop for iOS, Apple drops migration fee, Google backup app CloudPull discontinued

Have you been giving Apple News+ a try? Julio Ojeda-Zapata is too, and he has some reservations about paying $120 per year for the service. Those who are buying a new Mac or getting a Mac repaired take note—Apple has dropped the $99 fee for migrating your data from an old machine. If you’re looking for an easier way to initiate communications with your contacts in iOS, check out the new Cardhop, which offers a radical rethinking of how you work with contacts. Finally, people who worry about accidentally deleting or corrupting Google-hosted data in Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, and Google Drive will have to search for a new backup solution, since CloudPull is being discontinued soon—we suggest some alternatives. Notable Mac app releases this week include Typinator 7.9, CleanMyMac X 4.4, and Tinderbox 8.0.

Adam Engst 9 comments

Cardhop Rethinks How You Use Contacts in iOS

Looking for a faster and easier way to start phone calls, text conversations, or email messages with people in your contacts list? Cardhop for iOS from Flexibits brings the Mac version’s speed and elegance to the iPhone and iPad. Adam Engst takes a look.


Tinderbox 8.0 Agen Schmitz 5 comments

Tinderbox 8.0

Major upgrade for the note-taking assistant and information manager adds new features to help you visualize and analyze your data. ($249 new, free update, 33.7 MB)