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#1572: iOS/iPadOS 14.7.1 and macOS 11.5.1, hidden trick for Mac screenshots, BBEdit 14 adds Notes, Siri Remote AirTag sleeves

Last week, Apple released iPadOS 14.7 and macOS 11.5 Big Sur, completing the cycle of updates that began with iOS 14.7 and revealing fixes for Wi-Fi security issues. This week, Apple abruptly pushed out iOS 14.7.1, iPadOS 14.7.1, and macOS 11.5.1 to address a serious kernel vulnerability that’s in the wild—we recommend updating right away. Do you use Command-Shift-4 to take screenshots? Adam Engst shares a trick to help you take better screenshots of those tricky document-modal dialogs in macOS. He also takes a look at the just-released BBEdit 14, which brings order to your random unnamed documents with its new Notes feature. Finally, for those who were sad when the new Siri Remote didn’t include Find My support, Julio Ojeda-Zapata reviews two Siri Remote sleeves that include AirTag pockets, making it easier to find a lost remote. Notable Mac app releases this week include Security Update 2021-004 Catalina and 2021-005 Mojave, Safari 14.1.2, Zoom 5.7.3, and DEVONagent 3.11.5.

Adam Engst 8 comments

BBEdit 14 Adds Simple Notes Management

Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 14 with a new Notes feature that recognizes the extent to which many users keep numerous untitled documents open in BBEdit at all times. The release also provides significant enhancements to source code editing thanks to support for Microsoft’s Language Server Protocol.


DEVONagent 3.11.5 Agen Schmitz No comments

DEVONagent 3.11.5

Revises a large number of plug-ins to restore or improve their capabilities as well as renames some for clarity. (Free/$4.95/$49.95, free updates, various sizes, macOS 10.10+)