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Category: Entertainment

Josh Centers No comments

Apple’s First iPhone Game Since 2008 Is about… Warren Buffett?

Apple has honored its most famous investor by creating a game in his honor.

Josh Centers 21 comments

Prepare for Apple Dropping Old Media Formats with the IINA Video Player

In the next major release of macOS, Apple will be eliminating native support for many old video codecs. With the open-source IINA, you’ll have a Mac-native video player that can handle whatever you throw at it.

Josh Centers No comments

Overcast Gains Podcast Clip Sharing

Developer Marco Arment has added audio and video podcast clip sharing to the latest version of his Overcast podcast player in order to strengthen the open podcast ecosystem.

Glenn Fleishman 9 comments

How To Find the Best Deal on Digital Movie Rentals

With so many online options for digital movie rental, which service offers the best deal or the longest time to watch a film? Glenn Fleishman sorts through the options to recommend four services for different situations.

Josh Centers 9 comments

Disney Pulls No Punches Going after Netflix

Disney has finally announced the details of its upcoming Disney+ streaming service, which will offer a breathtaking amount of old and new content for a mere $6.99 per month. How will Netflix respond?

Josh Centers 33 comments

3M WorkTunes Headphones Make Yardwork More Tolerable

Yardwork season is here, and loud gas-powered mowers and trimmers can both damage your hearing and make it impossible to enjoy audio. The 3M WorkTunes headphones can solve both problems.

Julio Ojeda-Zapata 12 comments

Should You Pay For Apple News+? Warning: It Has Issues

The new Apple News+ service seems like a bonanza for news junkies and magazine aficionados who get access to nearly 300 periodicals for just $9.99 a month. But would-be subscribers need to take a close look before plunking down money because Apple News+ still has a few issues.

Josh Centers 10 comments

Netflix Removes AirPlay Support from Its iOS App

Netflix has removed AirPlay support from its iOS app, citing “technical limitations” that outside observers suspect have more to do with the competitive landscape than anything else.

Adam Engst 1 comment

Survey Responses: Apple Music and Apple News+

It’s time to report on the results of our most recent surveys, which polled TidBITS readers about streaming music services and Apple News+.

Josh Centers No comments

Apple Cuts HomePod Price to $299

Apple has permanently lowered the price of its HomePod smart speaker by $50, from $349 to $299. Was it just overpriced or is Apple clearing the decks for a new model?

Josh Centers 16 comments

All the Magazines Available on Apple News+ in the US

Federico Viticci of MacStories has taken on the thankless task of documenting every available magazine on Apple News+ in the US. Turns out there aren’t actually 300 of them, and only about half are in Apple News Format.

Michael E. Cohen Josh Centers 6 comments

Apple Reveals Its Vision for TV

At its recent special event, Apple made a slew of TV-related announcements that transform the Apple TV into more of a service than a hardware product.

Julio Ojeda-Zapata 45 comments

Apple News+ Debuts With Magazines, Newspapers, and Web Sites

Apple has debuted Apple News+, a $9.99-per-month digital news service with access to about 300 top magazines along with a handful of major newspapers and digital publications. The new offering, built into Apple’s News app for iOS and Mac, will give multiple members of a Family Sharing group access for a single monthly fee, and it promises to shield users from advertisers.

Josh Centers 3 comments

Spotify Asks the European Commission to Make Apple Play Fair

Spotify is tired of Apple’s App Store policies and is now calling on the European Commission to regulate the company. The timing is notable given Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to break up a number of tech giants, including Apple.

Adam Engst 20 comments

Four Ways Apple Could Improve Apple Music

Apple Music hasn’t changed much at all since Apple introduced it back in 2015, but Adam Engst has a few suggestions—some extremely easy—that could make listening to music through the service more enjoyable.