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#1416: Twitter passwords exposed, Apple’s $13.8B profit, Explaining GDPR, Royole Moon video headset

Twitter recommends that all users change their passwords after the company discovered that passwords were being logged in unencrypted form. Meanwhile, Apple once again set financial records in Q2 2018 thanks to strong demand for the iPhone X. Wondering why you’ve been getting all those vague privacy policy updates? Geoff Duncan explains what the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means for your privacy. Finally, Adam Engst pretends to be in Ready Player One and tests a video headset, the Royole Moon 3D mobile theater. Notable Mac app releases this week include Cardhop 1.1.1, SuperDuper 3.1.6, SpamSieve 2.9.31, and Aeon Timeline 2.3.7.

Adam Engst 5 comments

The Dark Side of the Royole Moon

The Royole Moon claims to be a “3D mobile theater” that provides a “truly immersive, 3D movie watching or gaming experience.” And it does, but that can prove awkward in the real world.
