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#1423: Finder batch renaming, WhenWorks scheduling app, CE Week gadgets

On the Mac side of things, Sharon Zardetto rejoins us this week with a detailed look at how to use the Finder’s little-known batch renaming capabilities. For professionals who book appointments, Adam Engst looks at the new WhenWorks iOS app and service, which provides self-service scheduling. And Jeff Porten wanders the aisles at the CE Week trade show to find the latest in consumer electronic gadgets and gizmos for you. Notable Mac app releases this week include Pixelmator 3.7.1, Audio Hijack 3.5, and Final Cut Pro X 10.4.3.

Jeff Porten 4 comments

CE Week 2018: New Tech at “CES East”

Curious about what consumer electronics companies are up to in the months that follow the big CES show in Las Vegas? They’re not sitting still, as Jeff Porten discovered while attending two mini-CES shows in New York City. Read on for the latest in geeky gear, gadgets, and gizmos.
