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#1452: Group FaceTime returns, #DeathToAutoPlay, Highland 2 reveals gender balance, OmniFocus 3 review

If you use Group FaceTime, you can re-enable it by updating iOS 12 and Mojave now that Apple has fixed the nasty bug that allowed callers to eavesdrop before you answered. Do you hate it when videos play automatically, like the previews in the Netflix Apple TV app? Join Adam Engst’s #DeathToAutoPlay campaign to put pressure on Netflix (and other companies) to make auto-play an option. Have you noticed that women generally play lesser roles in Hollywood movies? Michael Cohen looks at Highland 2’s Gender Analysis tool for screenwriters, which reveals just how unbalanced a script is. Finally, for those who are continually looking for the ultimate productivity tool, Jeff Porten reviews OmniFocus 3, a powerful task manager for getting things done. Notable Mac app releases this week include EagleFiler 1.8.6, Transmit 5.2.3, Boom 3D 1.2.4, Alfred 3.8, and Mellel 4.1.5.
