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#1665: Important OS security updates, abusive Web notifications, solve myopia with an iPhone, Self Service Repair

This issue’s biggest news comes in our shortest article. Last week, Apple updated nearly all recent versions of its operating systems to block serious security vulnerabilities that are actively being exploited by malware. Update everything soon. Prompted by reader requests, Adam Engst explains how to identify and eliminate abusive Web notifications that attempt to phish personal information from affected users. Adam also shares a neat trick for those who are nearsighted—did you know that your iPhone can stand in for your glasses in a pinch? Finally, Apple expanded its Self Service Repair program, but how many people are using it? Notable Mac app releases this week include Safari 16.5.1, CleanMyMac X 4.13.6, Mimestream 1.0.3, GraphicConverter 12.0.3, Pixelmator Pro 3.3.7, and Affinity Designer, Photo, and Publisher 2.1.1.

Adam Engst 8 comments

How to Identify and Eliminate Abusive Web Notifications

There’s nothing new about notification adware, system-level alerts from malicious websites that try to lure you into sharing login credentials, credit card info, or other personal information. A recent uptick in reports caused Adam Engst to explore the topic more deeply to help readers learn to identify and eliminate abusive notifications.
