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#1687: Feature-rich OS updates, recovering from a crashing bug in Contacts, Zoom for Apple TV, how much do you use widgets?

The bulk of our coverage this week revolves around Apple’s just-released updates to iOS 17.2, iPadOS 17.2, macOS 14.2 Sonoma, watchOS 10.2, and tvOS 17.2, all of which deliver improvements and features Apple promised earlier in the year. In addition, the company published security updates for iOS 16.7.3, iPadOS 16.7.3, macOS 13.6.3 Ventura, and macOS 12.7.2 Monterey. Adam Engst also tracks down a crashing bug in Contacts when printing lists in Sonoma and links to the nearly silent release of the Zoom videoconferencing app for the Apple TV. Finally, in our latest Do You Use It? poll, we ask to what extent you use widgets on Apple’s various platforms. Notable Mac app releases this week include Default Folder X 6.0.3, Fantastical 3.8.9 and Cardhop 2.2.14, GarageBand 10.4.10, Hazel 5.3, Keyboard Maestro 11.0.2, and Typinator 9.1.
