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Tag: privacy

Josh Centers No comments

Apple’s Revised Privacy Page Provides More Per-App Detail

Apple has updated its privacy page with explanations of the specific privacy measures taken in its most popular apps, but questionable partnerships and sloppy programming hurt the company’s privacy-focused image.

Josh Centers 6 comments

Fearing Shooters, Schools Put Kids under Surveillance

In the wake of mass shootings in the United States, schools are spending millions on surveillance systems to find out what their students are thinking and saying. The legitimate benefits come with troubling questions of privacy.

Josh Centers 7 comments

Apple Announces Siri Privacy Reforms

After a whistleblower revealed that Apple contractors were listening in on Siri conversations, Apple shut down the program and promised improvements. Here they are.

Josh Centers 3 comments

Robocall Blockers Caught Sending User Information to Third Parties

A security researcher has discovered that many popular iOS robocall-blocking apps share your data with third parties, often in violation of App Store guidelines.

Adam Engst 32 comments

Why Can’t Users Teach Siri about Its Mistakes?

Apple took well-deserved flak in the press for having contractors listen to Siri conversations—and inadvertent initiations where people didn’t know they were being recorded. But Adam Engst suggests that we users should instead teach Siri about its mistakes.

Josh Centers 4 comments

Apple Suspends Siri’s “Response Grading” Eavesdropping

Apple has temporarily suspended its Siri “response grading” program that had contractors listen in on Siri recordings. That’s good, but it’s unfortunate that it took media coverage to push the company to change its practices.

Josh Centers 5 comments

Apple Workers May Be Listening to Your Siri Conversations

Apple has increasingly used its stance on privacy as a selling point, but The Guardian has revealed that, like Amazon, Apple lets contractors listen in on conversations held while Siri is active. The audio may be difficult or impossible to trace back to the individuals who are speaking, but Apple should still find a better way to improve Siri.

Josh Centers 4 comments

Most “Free” VPN Apps Secretly Owned by China

Lots of people trust Virtual Private Network apps to protect their privacy, but they seldom ask who made them—an investigation by suggests that they should.

Rich Mogull 12 comments

Apple Flexes Its Privacy Muscles

At WWDC 2019, Apple made numerous announcements that show both how important the company believes privacy to be and how far it’s willing to go to encourage privacy-protecting technologies in its own products. But these efforts will face challenges from all sides.

Adam Engst 5 comments

iOS App Trackers Are Watching You

Investigative journalist Geoffrey Fowler of the Washington Post has discovered that numerous iOS apps include trackers that constantly send information about you back to data brokers.

Josh Centers 15 comments

The Tragic Death of “Do Not Track”

Over at Fast Company, Glenn Fleishman documents the rise and fall of the Do Not Track browser setting, a well-intentioned but ultimately doomed effort to make privacy easy for users.

Adam Engst 12 comments

The Quiet Spread of Data Brokers Selling Your Personal Information

A new Vermont law that requires data brokers to register with the state has enabled a Fast Company article revealing just how many of these companies there are, and how much they know about us. You can sometimes opt out.

Adam Engst 26 comments

Facebook Promises Encrypted Messaging (and Privacy-Abusing Business as Usual)

In a lengthy blog post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has promised to support end-to-end encryption and ephemeral content in the company’s messaging apps. That sounds good, but it doesn’t mean Facebook will stop exploiting all the rest of your data.

Adam Engst Josh Centers 2 comments

Certificate Wars: A Quick Rundown of Apple’s Dustup with Facebook and Google

Apple spent the past week engaged in a dizzying back-and-forth with Facebook and Google over shady research apps trying to make an end-run around App Store rules. Here’s a quick timeline of events and some thoughts on what it all means.

Adam Engst No comments

Apple Disables Group FaceTime to Block Glaring Privacy Hole

A bug in Group FaceTime has been discovered that enables anyone initiating a FaceTime Video call to hear audio from the other person’s iPhone before they accept or reject the call. Apple has disabled Group FaceTime and promises a fix “later this week.”