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#1465: Apple OS updates, is DNDWD reducing crashes?, Reeder 4 review, Spotify address insanity

With WWDC just weeks away, Apple has released updates to all its operating systems, largely to roll out a new Apple TV app and support for AirPlay 2-enabled smart TVs. Also this week, we ask whether the Do Not Disturb While Driving feature, which debuted in iOS 11, is actually saving lives. Adam Engst dives into the numbers. Despite having a mix of Amazon Echo and Google Home smart speakers, Josh Centers recently switched from Spotify to Apple Music because of Spotify’s user-hostile family plan requirements. Finally, if you like consuming your news through an RSS reader, Julio Ojeda-Zapata reviews the new Reeder 4 for Mac and iOS. Notable Mac app releases this week include ScreenFlow 8.2.3, Piezo 1.6.0, Tinderbox 8.0.1, and Little Snitch 4.3.2.
