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#1697: New M3 MacBook Air models, poll results and advice on macOS updates, Apple Car canceled, EU fines Apple $2 billion

This week’s big news is Apple’s announcement of the new M3-based 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air. Along with the faster chip, the M3 MacBook Air models can drive two external displays when the lid is closed. Adam Engst reports on the results of our Do You Use It? poll surrounding Software Update and macOS update approaches, explaining the options and providing advice. Finally, we briefly cover reports of Apple canceling its electric car project and the European Commission fining Apple $2 billion for App Store antitrust violations. Notable Mac app releases this week include Acorn 7.4.4, Affinity Designer, Photo, and Publisher 2.4, BusyCal 2024.1.2 and BusyContacts 2024.1.2, Camo Studio 2.1.3, DEVONthink 3.9.6, FastScripts 3.3.1, and Zoom 5.17.10.
