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#1479: Apple Card available, sharing vacation photos, Apple OS updates, 102-year-old TidBITS reader’s autobiography

Apple has updated all of its operating systems once again to fix a security vulnerability accidentally reintroduced in the last round of updates. Remember our interview with the 101-year-old TidBITS reader? George Jedenoff is now 102 and has just published his autobiography—it’s well worth a read. The Apple Card is now available to all US iPhone users, so Josh Centers explains how to sign up and opt-out of the arbitration clause. Finally, if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the possibilities for sharing vacation photos, you’re not alone. Adam Engst shares his thinking about the best ways to share photos within Apple’s ecosystem. Notable Mac app releases this week include EagleFiler 1.8.9, SpamSieve 2.9.37, Carbon Copy Cloner 5.1.10, Swift Publisher 5.5, Pixelmator Pro 1.4.1, and Ulysses 17.

Adam Engst 27 comments

Thoughts on Sharing Vacation Photos

Many of us take far more photos while on vacation than at any other time, but that raises the question of how best to share them with different people and groups. Particularly if you’re not enamored of sharing on social media, read on for advice, suggestions, and solutions.


Ulysses 17 Agen Schmitz No comments

Ulysses 17

Adds captions to image previews and new export styles for PDF and DOCX files. ($39.99 annual subscription, free update, 23.7 MB)


Apple Blocks KNOB Attack on Bluetooth Josh Centers 2 comments

Apple Blocks KNOB Attack on Bluetooth

A critical vulnerability has been found in the Bluetooth specification that could allow an attacker to intercept data transferred between devices. Thankfully, it’s hard to exploit, and Apple has already released updates to address the vulnerability.