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#1604: Universal Control how-to, show proxy icons in Monterey, Eat Your Books cookbook index

We have a tasty issue for you this week, with Jeff Carlson’s review of the Eat Your Books cookbook index website sandwiched between a pair of Mac articles. First, Adam Engst shares a tip on how macOS 12 Monterey users can display draggable window proxy icons all the time without requiring an annoying hover to reveal them. Then Josh Centers takes a hard look at Universal Control, the fabulous new feature of macOS 12.3 and iPadOS 15.4 that lets you use your Mac’s keyboard and pointing device to control up to three other Macs or iPads. Notable Mac app releases this week include Zoom 5.10, Carbon Copy Cloner 6.1.1, BusyCal 2022.1.4 and BusyContacts 1.6.5, Retrospect 18.5.2, Mellel 5.1.1, Alfred 4.6.5, and Google Chrome 99.

Adam Engst 14 comments

TipBITS: Always Show Window Proxy Icons

Adam Engst stumbled across an Accessibility setting that ensures that window proxy icons—those little icons that appear next to window titles—show at all times, rather than after a 1-second hover. This setting returns proxy icons to their former utility, and if you’re not clear what that was, Adam explains that too.

Jeff Carlson 36 comments

Use the Web to Cook Your Books

Are your shelves groaning with cookbooks that you pull down only for a recipe or two? All sorts of culinary riches are tucked between beautifully printed pages in Jeff Carlson’s kitchen, but when he was looking for a recipe, he used to revert to a random Google search. No more, thanks to the Eat Your Books website that helps you find recipes in your cookbook collection.


Retrospect 18.5.2 Agen Schmitz 7 comments

Retrospect 18.5.2

Improves the Anomaly Detection feature that tries to identify ransomware activity. ($49 for Solo and $119 for Desktop new, free update, upgrade pricing available, 170 MB, macOS 10.8.5+)