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#1414: Cloudflare and Quad9 DNS, MacBook Pro battery replacements, TidBITS in Apple News

Apple has started a battery replacement program for certain non-Touch Bar 13-inch MacBook Pro units. Adam Engst has the details, along with instructions on how we’re now publishing TidBITS in Apple News Format for optimal display in the iOS News app. Glenn Fleishman joins us with a detailed look at the new DNS services from Cloudflare and Quad9 that could provide enhanced performance, security, and privacy. Finally, don’t miss our extensive collection of ExtraBITS — lots of interesting things happened last week. Notable software releases include iMovie 10.1.9, Things 3.5, Typinator 7.5, BusyContacts 1.2.11, Default Folder X 5.2.4, and ChronoSync 4.8.6.

Adam Engst 20 comments

How to Read TidBITS in Apple News

Do you use Apple News? We’re running a survey to see how often you turn to the News app to find out what’s happening in the world. And we’re happy to announce that TidBITS is now fully available in Apple News Format.



The Legacy of OLPC’s $100 Laptop Josh Centers No comments

The Legacy of OLPC’s $100 Laptop

When MIT's Nicholas Negroponte announced a $100 laptop in 2005 with the intent of giving a laptop to every child in the world, it promised to revolutionize education. Over a decade later, he's moved on and the One Laptop Per Child project is typically regarded as a failure. The Verge looks at what happened.

50 Shades of Space Gray Josh Centers No comments

50 Shades of Space Gray

Have you ever noticed that Apple's space gray isn't always the same color? You're not alone. 9to5Mac's Michael Steeber has charted out six versions of what Apple markets as a single color.