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#1655: 33 years of TidBITS, Twitter train wreck, tvOS 16.4.1, Apple Card Savings, Steve Jobs ebook

After 33 years of publishing TidBITS, Adam Engst is more enthused about the work than he has been in years, thanks to spending less time editing news coverage and more writing about personal tech solutions. But he still can’t avert his gaze from the train wreck that is Elon Musk’s Twitter, so he provides a quick overview of the billionaire’s latest crazy behavior. This week’s issue also touches on tvOS 16.4.1, the new Apple Card Savings account, and a new ebook from the Steve Jobs Archive. Notable Mac app releases this week include 1Password 8.10.4, Microsoft Office for Mac 16.72, Firefox 112, Airfoil 5.11.5 and SoundSource 5.5.9, Lunar 6.1, Quicken 7.0, Ulysses 30, and Farrago 2.0.


Quicken 7.0 Agen Schmitz No comments

Quicken 7.0

Financial management app receives a few new features and improvements. ($35.99/51.99/77.99 annual subscription, free update, 3.2 MB, macOS 10.15+)

Ulysses 30 Agen Schmitz 2 comments

Ulysses 30

Adds the capability to scribble on images and add annotations to PDFs. ($5.99/$49.99 monthly/yearly subscription, free update, 31.4 MB, macOS 11+)